Highlighting the exciting & diverse
in the Laurens & Newberry Counties region
NOVEMBER 7, 2024

City of Newberry, Utilities Department
The City of Newberry and its employees take great pride in serving the community with our outstanding utility department team, our ability to respond promptly in emergency situations and in our long-term planning. We have combined the latest technology and equipment with a strategic vision that has brought Newberry to the forefront among municipal utilities in South Carolina. It has been our pleasure to serve our citizens with electric, water and wastewater services for more than one hundred years. We have now added a Fiber optic network as part of those services. As in the past, we stand ready to provide comprehensive service to residential, commercial, and industrial customers with low rates, quality service and safety.
Fun Facts
The Utilities Department consists of 6 Divisions: Administrative, Electric, Water Distribution and Wastewater Collection, Water Treatment Plant Operators, Wastewater Treatment Plant Operators, Warehouse Operations. We have over 40 employees combined in these different divisions. Many of our positions are hands on training and registered apprenticeship's, not requiring any college courses to enter the programs.
Primary Careers and Earnings Potential
Electric Lineman - State & Federal Apprenticeship Program Registered, A Class Lineman $30-44 hour
Water Distribution & Wastewater Collection Crewman - Hands-on Learning, A License in both $28 - $32 hour
Waterplant Operator - Hands-on Learning w/ classes offered, A License $ 24 - $34 hour
Wastewater Plant Operator - Hands-on Learning w/ classes offered, A License $ 22 - $32 hour
Fiber Optics Technician - Hands-on with Certification classes, $25 - $34 hour
Meter Services Technician - Hands-on learning w/ classes, $18 - $24 hour
Information Technology Technician - $20 - $28 hour
Warehouse Inventory Agent - $18 - $28

Career Clusters:
Architecture and Construction
Business Management and Administration
Information Technology
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics