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Highlighting the exciting & diverse
in the Laurens & Newberry Counties region
NOVEMBER 7, 2024
Clemson Extension employs approximately 15 extension agents with primary livestock and forage responsibilities in South Carolina. Six additional agents serve multiple counties in the state and focus exclusively on forage and livestock outreach.
All area and county agents work closely with state extension specialists and researchers. Agents provide expertise in topics ranging from beef cattle, dairy cattle, equine, small ruminant, poultry and pork production. Establishment, management and efficient utilization of grazing and hay crops like bermudagrass, bahiagrass, alfalfa and tall fescue are also areas of expertise for many of the agents.
Primary Careers & Earning Potential
$50K + Agribusiness, Animal Systems, Environmental Service Systems, Food Products and Processing, Natural Resouces, Plant Systems, etc
Career Clusters:
Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources
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