Highlighting the exciting & diverse
in the Laurens & Newberry Counties region
NOVEMBER 7, 2024

Newberry County Government
Career Clusters:
Business Management & Administration
Government & Public Administration
Information Technology
Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security
Company Description
European settlers (primarily German, Scotch-Irish, and English) began appearing in great numbers in the Newberry County area in the 1750’s. Newberry County, formed from the Ninety-Six District in 1785, was once described as the largest tract of unbroken farm land in South Carolina. The origin of the county’s name is still unknown although it is likely an alternate spelling for the English town “Newbury.” Although cotton was the primary crop before the Civil War, today’s farmers rotate crops such as corn, millet, wheat, and soybeans. In addition Newberry has dairy, poultry, and cattle farms, as well as many acres of controlled reforestation.
Newberry County also has an abundance of natural beauty. The northern half of the county is covered by the vast Sumter National Forest, while the Enoree, Tyger and Broad rivers and Lakes Murray, Greenwood and Parr provide some of the most unspoiled scenery in South Carolina.
Fun Facts
Newberry County (population 36,108) is the smallest county in terms of area in the Central Midlands region (635 square miles). The County seat, the City of Newberry, has a population of 10,580.